Monday, February 24, 2020

Brazilian Grill Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Brazilian Grill - Term Paper Example Therefore, this paper shall seek to explain the personal, cultural, and social factors that can contribute to lying in the workplace, as well as the manner in which an individual can handle them. It will also explicate in details the importance of making a company’s code of ethics a ‘living document’. Discussion What personal, social, and cultural factors do you think contribute to lying in the workplace? Dishonesty in the workplace solely depends on an individual and the situation the individual is in. This simply means that an individual who has high integrity will not bend low to tell any lie whatever the cost. However, an individual with lose morals will find lying easy and will not think see anything wrong in it. Secondly, a strong desire to gain whatever the cost can prompt an individual to lie. This is closely linked to situations where an employee is promised financial motivation or maybe promotion (Adams 45). Thirdly, fear of losing one’s job may c ompel an employee to tell a lie. In most cases, bosses always force their junior employees to tell lies in order to cover for their mistakes. In this case, the junior employee has no choice other than to lie in order to save his or her job. Lastly, the broader cultural environment of an organization where people are used to telling lies may contribute to lies in the workplace (Adams 47). Employees become so used to lying that when the make false statements, they do not see it as a big deal. Do you agree or disagree with the statement â€Å"The term business ethics is an oxymoron.† Support you answer with examples from your own work experience or that of someone you know. Some people argue that the terms business and ethics contradict each other, hence the phrase, ‘business ethics is an oxymoron’. Personally, I do not agree with this statement since it is not easy to be ethical, be it in business or in life generally. In some instances, it is hard to know the best and right thing to do. Consequently, the complex and fast-moving life has made it complex for people to identify what ethics demand in certain quandary (Schmidt). In other situations when we know what we should do, we may face powerful obstacles that prevent us from acting ethically. Equating business ethics to an oxymoron conveys the mistaken assumption that ethical conduct and commitment should be one hundred percent in order to be valid. In most cases, those saying that ‘business ethics is an oxymoron’ are those people who do business with intentions of enriching themselves at the expense of the general public (O. C. Ferrell, Fraedrich, and L. Ferrell 34). In this case, they conduct their businesses without considering the social responsibility aspect of businesses. For instance, a businessman producing teen pornography can best exemplify those who believe that ‘business ethics is an oxymoron’. This is attributed to the fact that he is concerned with th e money he is making, and not in the young generation he is ruining. If you were your company’s director of human resources, how would you make your code of ethics a â€Å"living document?† As a Human Resource Manager I understand that transparency, vigilance, access and performance of duties without fear of oversight or retribution are imperative to ensure that employees have all the vital information and support needed for making difficult ethical decisions

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Child Abuse and Neglect of Children with Disabilities Article

Child Abuse and Neglect of Children with Disabilities - Article Example Turner et. al. (2011) had a wide sample of over 4,000 participants thus making their findings reliable. They also gave possible explanations as to why certain ability types attracted certain forms of victimizations. It was laudable that they used a comprehensive definition of disability types and did not ignore other less-visible types of disability like anxiety and post traumatic disorder. One key problem with the research is that it relied on children’s or parent’s self-reported diagnosis of a disability (Babbie, 2007). It is likely that some individuals may be suffering from a disability and do not even know it. Additionally, participants with more than one disability could have confounded the outcomes. If a form of victimization caused a disability earlier on in the participant’s life, then a cycle of victimization may result, yet the researchers were not concerned with this past. Their findings were different from others because they can assist in understanding how child abuse arises among disabled children. This can cause stakeholders to work towards eliminating those risks (Finkelhon et. al., 2005). Also, because the research looked at the rate of victimization among disability types, it would be possible to determine which groups are highly at risk and work on protecting them. Hill et. al. (2011) sought to find out the prevalence of children with disabilities in the welfare system. They did so by collecting data from Minnesota’s welfare system and noting the quantity of individuals in this group. They also looked at the relationship between being identified as disabled and having a substantiated maltreatment or possessing certain demographic traits. The association between out-of-home placement and child disability in the welfare system is studied; the hypotheses were proved. This research is impressive because it considered an unlikely and often ignored category of children